miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016


En esta segunda evaluación en clase hemos realizado por grupos distintas obras de teatro en inglés, en mi grupo realizamos Aladdín de los Hermanos Grimm. Adjunto el análisis de la obra:

1.    Edad de los alumnos a los que va dirigida la actividad.

5 – 6 años porque ya tienen un nivel de comprensión mayor, entienden todo lo producido, emplean la gramática de manera casi correcta y además se inician en la lectura y escritura. Se podría representar para niños más pequeños con la intención de divertirlos y entretenerlos con un decorado y un vestuario atractivo y colorido.

2.    Objetivos de la actividad.

ü  Identificar a los distintos personajes.
ü  Divertirse.
ü  Distinguir los diferentes escenarios.
ü  Conocer el cuento tradicional de Aladdín.

3.    Cuándo (a largo y corto plazo) y dónde se llevaría a cabo y por qué.

Lo llevaríamos a cabo al final del tercer trimestre, ya que han adquirido conocimientos durante todo el curso en aspectos como la comprensión, la expresión y la pronunciación. Lo pondríamos en práctica tras el recreo ya que los niños están más tranquilos por la descarga psicomotriz realizada en el patio; así podemos organizar la actividad.

4.    Texto de la obra.


NARRATOR: Long time ago, in a far away land called China, ther lived a boy Called Alladin. His father died and he was living with his mother. One day, a Black Magician came to his house.

Bad Magician: Dear nephew!, I'm very sad due to your father's dead. Although, I have an idea, come and help and I'll give you a lot of money.

Mother: He want's to help Alladin, do you want to go?

Alladin: Well, why not, mother?

NARRATOR: The strange man took aAlladin with him. They walked to a place with a rock on the floor. With Alladin's help, they moved it away, revealing stairs that went deep in the ground.

Black Magician: Listen here nephew!, you have to go inside andd pass three caves; the first one is full of silver and gold, the second one is full with shiny fruits. Take some in your way back, but first, THE LAMP!

NARRATOR: Alladin walked through the caves, admiring the treasures, until he arrived to the third cave. He took the lam and a few shiny fruits in his way back.

Once he arrived to the entrance, he couln't get out.

Alladin: Uncle, I took the lamp, but I can't get out, give me a hand!

Black Magician: No, the lamp first!

NARRATOR: They start fighting until the rock collapsed and blocked the entrance of the cave, leaving Alladin trapped inside.

The black magician leave the country, fourius.

Alladin wandered the caves for 2 days until....

Alladin: I'm so hungry and thirsty, and cold too... (he rubs his hands)

NARRATOR: When he rubbed his hands, he rubbed the lamp by accident and a magic genie.

Genie: I am the Magic Genie, and I will grant any wish you have!

Alladin, Really, a Genie, any wish?

Genie: Yes!

Alladin: All right, take me out of this cave, take me to my home, please!

NARRATOR: The genie granted his sish and in a few seconds... they were at Alladin's house.

Mother: Alladin, my son!, Are you all right?

Alladin: Yes mother, dont worry, I'm fine.

Mother:  Oh, you bring a lamp, It is a bit dirty, if we clean it, we could sell it for a few coins... Let me clean it.

NARRATOR: When Alladin's mother cleaned the lamp, the genie appeared again, giving his mother a great jumpscare before she fainted.

Genie: I'm here master, what is your wish?

Alladin: Oh, it is you... I'm still hungry and thirsty, I wish for lots of foor and drink.

NARRATOR: Few seconds later,, the table was full of food and drinks.
Alladin's mother woke up to see all the food and was amazed that it was the Genie's powers that give them all that food.

They live comfortably for a few months util...




NARRATOR: While walking down the street, Alladin saw a beautiful girl, she was the Sultan's daughter.

Alladin: Oh my, she's beautiful, I think I'm in love... I'll go visit the Sultan to ask him for his doughter's hand.
NARRATOR: Alladin went straight to the Sultan's palace.
Sultan: Who are you, young man?

Alladin: Sir, I'm Alladin and I'm here to ask for your doughter's hand

Sultan: You?, Can you prove that you are good enough?

Alladin: Yes, here, take these shiny fruits!

Sultan: Oh, they are wonderful!

NARRATOR: While admiring the fruits, The Council's Chief appeared.
Chief: My beloved Sultan, this kid is not worthy of your daughter's hand, I think that my son is better. We could ask Alladin to prove if he is really a good candidate for her

NARRATOR: The chief dind't want Alladin to marry the princess, he wanted his son to marry her instead.

Sultan: You are right, Alladin, can you prove that you are rich enough to marry my doughter?, Bring me 14 bowls full of gold and I'll trust your word.

Alladin: mmm, of course my beloved Sultan, give me a moment...

NARRATOR: Alladin went to a corner and ask the Genie to grant him another wish.

Alladin: Genie, I wish 14 bowls of gold.

Genie: As you command, my master!

NARRATOR: As espected, 14 bowls of gold appeared, carried by 14 strong men

Alladin: Here you have, my beloved sultan!

Sultan, Oh!, Explendind!

Chief: But, but, but.... My beloved Sultan, where is your daughter going to live, does this boy have  a Palace?

Sultan: Oh, that is true, do you have a Palace, Alladin?

Alladin: Not yet Sir, but give me some time, and I will!

Sultan: That's good, I'll give you three months to have one.

NARRATOR: Alladin took the Genie's lamp one more time, rubbed it and ask the Genie

Alladin: I need a huge palace Genie, and I need it before 3 months.

Genie: I'll grant your wish, master. You'll have it before the 3 months.

NARRATOR: A few weeks later....

Alladin: My dear and beloved Sultan, I have a huge Palace for your doughter

Chief: It can't be!....

Sultan: Well, well Alladin, I think that you are worthy and because of that, I'll give to you the hand of my daughter.

5.    Procedimiento detallado (movimientos, baile, gestos, actividad de TPR…).

Colocaríamos a los niños al final de la clase. Antes de comenzar con la obra haríamos una pequeña presentación de cada uno de los personajes. Al finalizar la obra pondríamos en marcha el juego asociado explicado en el paso 8.

6.    Materiales necesarios.

ü  Papel continuo.

ü  Témperas.

ü  Disfraces.

ü  Piedras.

ü  Celofán rojo y amarillo.

ü  Lámpara de aceite.

ü  Cesta de mimbre.

7.    Fuente. 

Material proporcionado por el profesor de Recursos Didácticos del Inglés.

8.    Juego asociado al teatro.

Consiste en un juego de asociación. Les pedimos a los niños que recuerden el personaje que les mostramos en forma de dibujo, a  continuación saldrán de manera voluntaria al escenario para colocarlos en uno de los dos fondos preparados; el desierto y el palacio del Sultán. Hacemos estos dos escenarios porque la representación se divide en dos actos, en los cuales aparecen distintos personajes.

9.    Vocabulario concreto que se quiere enseñar.

Genie, Bad Magician, lamp, command, chief,

10. Vocabulario que se quiere repasar.
Mother, uncle, nephew, pronombres sujeto (I, you..), formas del verbo to be, idea, long time ago, palace, father, fine, hungry.


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